- Motor Homes


Alignments and Tires and Brakes Oh My

You are driving down the road, happily listening to your favorite song on the radio, when it is suddenly overcome by a loud and constant rumbling sound. You immediately realize the problem and, after a few choice words perhaps, pull the car over and confirm your suspicions: a flat tire. Most drivers have experienced the dreaded and unsuspected misfortunes of a flat tire.

Many times, you can be successful in preventing this unfortunate event through the proper maintenance of their vehicle's tires. One of the easiest things a driver can do to decrease their chances of a flat tire and other incidents (such as accidents) is to frequently check their tires. By inspecting your tires at least once a month and ensuring that they are properly inflated and free of stones, glass, metal, and any other foreign objects, you help prevent air loss and accumulating moisture that degrades tire structure which inevitably leads to tire failure.

Checking your tires also allows you to determine certain aspects about the cars performance depending on wear patterns. These wear patterns can be indicators of more severe problems that generally go unnoticed by the average driver. Incorrect tire pressures, tire and steering misalignment, improper balancing, heat excessive buildup, and even suspension neglect can result in issues with your vehicle.

By ignoring these warning signs, tires can become bald and excessively worn, causing sluggish driving, skidding, and even the unnecessary accident. For example, if your tires are not balanced properly, you may experience constant vibrations as you drive, which can lead to wheel misalignments, bent wheels, and inadequately operating brakes in addition to the rapid and uneven wear of tires and loss of air pressure. In addition, by checking the suspension you are able to identify early problems with joints, bad brakes, shock absorbers, springs, which can drastically improve weight transfer, spring rate and damping as well as correcting other issues so new parts are not needed as frequently. In short, by having your tires, brakes, shock absorbers, drive train, steering, and suspension systems regular inspected by a qualified professional, problems can be diagnosed and corrected so you can have a safe and pleasant driving experience.

There are things that you too can do to prevent problems with your car such as checking cold tire pressure with a gauge once a month, inspecting the tires, and following the owner's manual and a tire safety handbook. However, if you do start experiencing problems, it is important to consult a professional or get your vehicle to a service center as quickly as possible to prevent additional damage. Many people feel that the cost of spending more money on better tires or paying for professional services is far more than is necessary for the upkeep of their vehicle, but is that really the case? For a wheel alignment you will generally spend around $60 (and many times come with special offers or additional warranties). While this may seem like a lot, the results include improved tire wear for longer lasting tires, reduced strain on suspension, and better gas mileage, all of which will increase the amount you spend for maintenance on your car over time. The cost of tires is one of the largest areas that people would prefer not to pay for frequently, and when they do buy, they often buy cheaper tires with the goal of saving money. The problem is that this takes into account only the total cost of the tire and not the cost per mile, tire mileage, or warranty.

For example, by spending only $40 per tire on a 40,000 mile tire you are essentially paying $1 per 1,000 miles as opposed to spending $75 on a, 80,000 mile tire and only pay $.94 per 1,000 miles and end up paying less by not having to replace the tire as frequently. So in theory, when some people believe they are paying less for their cars by buying cheaper parts or reducing the frequency of inspections, it is actually costing more in the long run, merely sacrificing paying less over time for paying less in the moment.

The car is often seen as the lifeblood of the working person, and to many an extension of themselves, so it is natural for a driver to want to guarantee that they keep their vehicle a "well-oiled machine" for as long as possible. Regardless of the trouble your vehicle is having whether it is with the alignment, balance, tires, brakes, suspension or even something as simple as an oil change, trained professionals like those at Tire Kingdom are ready, able, and willing to help you with whatever problem you may have. If you want to keep your car in good condition without paying too much, they will make certain that you receive the highest quality work without the high prices.

Check out their website for information and pricing for brand name tires, wheels, batteries. Then come visit Tire Kingdom's experienced staff and the world's best tire brands at their local auto service centers. Drive home safely with Tire Kingdom!.

Tire Kingdom is the US's largest independent Tire, Wheel and auto repair service with over 650 retail stores.

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