- Motor Homes


Looking After Your Cars Tires

A piece of advice that I've always taken to heart when looking after a car was 'always look after your breaks and tires'. Sound advice as these are obviously two of the most important pieces of safety equipment on any vehicle, and are relatively inexpensive to care for.

To ensure that your tires are always in tip-top condition I suggest you check your tire pressure regularly. It is important that tires are inflated to the correct pressure to ensure the best grip on the road.Remember over-inflated tires will wear more in the center of the tire, whereas under-inflated tires have a tendency to wear more on the outside of the tire. Always check your tire pressure before long trips and make sure the spare tire is in good condition and properly inflated in case of an emergency.

It is also advisable to check your vehicle owner's handbook for the correct tire pressure for your car in different circumstances. For example, tire pressure can be different if carrying heavy loads or towing trailers for example.

Always check for uneven wear and tear of the tire.As stated previously it is important that the tire is correctly inflated, but other causes of uneven wear include wheel alignment issues. In these instances it is always advisable to have your local garage check out the vehicle.

All tires have tire tread wear indicators, small rubber markers in the tread to show you the minimum depth that your tires tread should be.

If you are nearing these markers, its time to replace the tires.

In general it's always advisable to slow down when going over pot-holes, or try to avoid them if you can. This goes for curbs as well.This will help you increase your tire's life, reduce the chance of disturbing the alignment of your wheels and generally avoid accidental damage to the tires.

Article Source:


Ian Walsh is the webmaster at Mastercraft Tires, an information site for Mastercraft Tires and other tire brands.

By: Ian Walsh -

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