- Motor Homes


Car Garage Keeps Your Vehicle Safe And Secure

To protect the investment you have in your vehicle safe from the elements and secure from damage or theft, it is recommended keeping it in a car garage, whether or not it is attached to your house. This article refers to single-owner car garages rather than large garages that would be used for shopping malls, apartment complexes, or hotels. There are many people who store so many things in a garage that it no longer accommodates a vehicle, but since a car is a fairly expensive investment, it is wise to keep it under cover when not in use. A car garage can protect it from heavy rain, sleet, snow and even from being used for target practice by neighborhood birds.

Having it attached to the house is much more convenient, allowing entry into the home without personally braving the elements, and is especially convenient if it also has an automatic garage door opener. You can enter your car garage and then the house without having to be outside. It can be one, two or even a three-car garage and still be useful for car storage or property storage. Additionally, insurance companies often offer a discount on policies if the car is stored in a car garage rather than outside. Climate And Crime Affects Condition Vandals will not be able to get to your vehicle if it is secured in a car garage and, since it is usually a few degrees warmer, it can offer a climate in which snow and ice will melt.

Road salt tends to accumulate on a vehicle when driven, and having it fall off in a garage is better than letting the car sit outside where it will not melt until the weather changes. Even in the summer months when the sun is shining, keeping your car protected inside a car garage will slow the paint from fading and protect the interior from the effects of sun on its surface. It also makes it cooler getting into the car if it is kept in the shade during bright sunshine. Additionally, if you have a floor drain in your car garage, during the winter you can use your garden hose to clean the snow and ice from the vehicle.

You can build your own car garage or have a professional build it for probably far less money than the cost of the vehicle you want to protect. It will probably be the best investment you can make to protect your vehicle and help it last longer.

Scott Fromherz owns and operates multiple websites. For more information on car garages go to or

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