- Motor Homes


Dealing With Car Dents The Right Way

When you are out on the road and driving your new car, you would want to protect your vehicle from damage. You take great caution to avoid hitting into other vehicles especially while parking. However, accidents are bound to happen, even when you are careful. Despite making sure that your car does not get damaged, there are still other drivers out there who are reckless. You only wish they would maintain a safe distance. Aside from these negligent drivers, there are several others factors that could lead to a dent in your car.

Treating car dents If you do happen to get your car dented for whatever reason, you can take comfort in the fact that there are several reputed car dent removal repair centres that will come to your aid. These dent repair companies are dedicated to restoring the original look of your vehicle. You can leave your dent troubles in the safe hands of these technicians who are trained to look after your car. They will ensure that your dent is no longer visible. When you want the best service for your vehicle, opt for a good quality car dent removal repair company covering area's in and around South Wales, Bridgend, Swansea, Cardiff and Newport. A professional technician will also let you know the extent of the damage and what needs to be done to rectify it.

If your car has minor dents then the repair centre may recommend a Paintless Dent Repair (PDR) job. This type of car dent removal uses tools, which will massage the dent out of your vehicle to keep it looking new. The metal is stretched out and then smoothened, making sure that the paint job will not peel or rip. There are times when the dent is large and it cannot be repaired using the Paint restoration repair technique or PDR. The only way of treating such dents is through removal of the entire panel. The panel can be removed through pulling and pounding and then later on welding to attach the new portion.

Once the welding is done, primer is added on the repaired area to enhance further painting. DIY (Do-It-Yourself) car dent removal An alternative to letting your car go through PDR in an auto repair shop is to do your own car dent removal job right at home. However, we would not recommend this as you will end up making matters worse, which could be expensive in the long run. To start with, you will need different kinds of specialist tools. Never mind the years of training it takes to become a PDR technician. Leave the dent repair to the professionals.

There's a wealth of information that can be found at . Contact Steve Magill, who is the Managing Director of Dentmaster Wales. Based in South Wales, this leading Smart Repair unit also works in other locations such as Cardiff, Swansea, Newport and Bridgend.

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