- Motor Homes


Driving Through The Desert

It is important that you do take some time to check your vehicle before you actually go through a journey through the desert. This is because the excess heat on your vehicle could make it act up. Also, you would not want to be stuck in the middle of nowhere without any means of communicating for help to anyone.

If you are planning on driving through the desert to some location, automobile experts suggest that you inform somebody about your plans. Let them know when you are going, when you should be expected to return, as well as where is the exact location of your destination.You should also get a full service tune up before you start on your voyage. You should also bring your car for service at least a week or two weeks before your planned trip. That way, if there are any things that need to be worked on, the personnel could start on it. While at it, have the personnel check your battery terminals for corrosion.

If there are, these should be cleaned with a wire brush that has been dipped in baking soda and water. Also add distilled water to your battery if your batteries are sealed.Go through your tires as well. Inspect for wear. Also, maintain the proper air pressure on your tires.

You should know the right amount of pressure by checking your car owner's manual. Your radiator should also be checked for leaks.As per your coolant, check for strength in the radiator overflow reservoir.You should be able to do this using a hydrometer. Make sure that the antifreeze is clean and that it is filled up to the proper level as indicated in your car.

Now, if the coolant has not yet been replaced or flushed for the last 15,000 miles, this would be the right time to do so.

.With years of combined experience in selling premium quality auto parts, Car Parts Rush has been the trusted and most reliable source of superb quality engine parts, and other auto parts. You also can find excellent Saturn body kits and Saturn accessories here.Joe Ratzkin is an avid fan of anything automotive. This 34-year old bachelor wanted to be a mechanic when he was a kid but changed his mind and became a freelance writer and researcher instead.

He is currently based in Chicago, Illinois.

By: Joe Ratzkin

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