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Gas Scooters One Means Of Transport Which Is Easy On Your Wallet

Because of the high cost of fueling and car repairs, some people have turned to a gas scooter as an alternative form of transportation. They were first introduced to the public in the 1940's. After a decline, they have been getting more popular since about 2000. One of the reasons for the surge of popularity is because gas scooters have a reputation of being easy on the wallet.

This is a well-deserved reputation as they get approximately fifty to seventy miles per gallon. If you know a scooter owner, you will undoubtedly hear stories of how infrequently they have to fill up the gas tank. Other reasons for the gas scooters being so popular are because of the cost. Depending on where they are purchased, they are only from about $800 to $6,000. This price is very attractive to people who cannot afford a car or even a motorcycle.

They can reach acceptable speeds to keep up with traffic and still get great gas mileage. Women are a big part of the gas scooter revolution. The lightweight and maneuverability make them a very real option to getting on a motorcycle. But women are not the only ones who use them for this reason.

Smaller men or those who cannot comfortably get on to or off of a motorcycle will find this a viable option. Or, if the typical motorcycle to wide to sit on for a long time, the scooter is usually narrower and will make for a more comfortable ride. Ease of parking is another benefit to scooters. It is so compact, that parking, even tight parallel parking, is no problem for the rider of a scooter. Those other entire reasons aside, the gas scooter is just plain fun.

In very recent memory, scooters have become more of a trend in some areas than necessity. Even motorcycle groups have jumped on the bandwagon, so to speak, and have started offering safety courses and comparing models. Freedom and convince are two of the traits enjoyed by scooter owners. Major, well-known brands like Yamaha, Suzuki and Honda manufacture the bulk of the scooters on the road today. Piaggio is also a well-known name that owns Vespa and Aprilia. These are the ones you will see on surface streets in the cities.

As we look into the future, it is easy to see that we will be sharing the road with scooters, just as we do motorcycles today. They are easy on the wallet as well as on gas. They have a wonderful niche that will just keep getting bigger as time goes on. This is definitely a mode of transportation that will keep growing in popularity. Summary: Many people are turning to gas scooters as a means of transportation due to the rise in fuel prices. They are lightweight and very maneuverable, which makes them attractive to women and people with physical limitations.

They are very cost effective and trendy.

Brooke Hayles
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