- Motor Homes


Guidelines For Used Car Prices

1. Know a little about pricing before you buy a used car. Franchise dealers that sell used cars add a certain percentage on the original value of the used car in the market.

Markup is also added to the price of the used car at dealerships, which will make the price higher.

2. Determine the many factors that affect the used car prices.

Used car pricings are affected by installed optional equipments or the location where you are buying the used car. There are areas that have a high market demand for a certain car. If that is the case, you may get a better deal if you travel outside of the zone to shop around for your car.

3. Find the used car's true market value at NADA. National Automobile Dealer's Association releases a copy of used car price guides every year.

You may also check their web site to check the current prices of the used cars you are looking for.

4. Cheaper used cars may be found at government auctions.

Government auctions happen every year and you may want to check out a checklist of the auction program. It may also offer you guidelines on finding quality used cars at lower prices. You may visit Federal Citizen Information to find out the guidelines in buying used cars from government auctions.

5. Check out the Internet. There are a lot of web sites that provide pricing guides on used cars and also guidelines in finding the right used car for you.

You may compare prices; check out the features of the used car and the location where you can buy cheaper prices.

6. Determine if you have a fair deal with the price that is offered to you. Factors that affect used car prices include the age, market demand, overall condition, mileage, interior and exterior blemishes or if the car was maintained well.

7. Beware of trade tricks.

Many dealers strategize on the behavior of consumers when buying used cars. Dealers know that buyers will not purchase a used car unless they feel that they are offered a price lower than the original price. Dealers tend to make the price higher than the actual amount and make the buyer believe that they are offering a discount. What the buyer does not know is that the discounted price is actually the original price of the car.

Article Source: http://www.articledashboard.



Gregory Ashton, your resident automobile enthusiast, bringing to you over 20 years of vehicular passion, and expertise; presents for your approval his insider secrets on selecting, buying, and maintianing the car that is ideal for you.


By: Gregory Ashton

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