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How To Avoid Speeding Tickets

Speeding tickets could cost you much money and additional points on your record. That is why it is encouraged that you do try to keep your speed within the limit. This not only decreases your chances of getting pulled over by a traffic enforcer.

This also helps you out in decreasing your chances of meeting accidents, crashes, or collisions that could be the result of driving beyond the given speed.

You should first learn the three types of speed limits which are the absolute, the presumed, and the basic. The absolute speed limit means that if you drive a mile over the posted limit, you are speed. If you can legally exceed the posted limit as long as you drive safely pertains to the presumed speed limit law. As per the basic limit, it actually allows you and other drivers to drive only as fast as conditions allow, no matter what the limit is posted.

You should also be cautious for you should always be on the alert.

You should also be able to note that all states have a basic speed limit. Study your state laws. You see, in California, Arizona, Colorado, and Connecticut, the speed limits are absolute either on highways and everywhere else.

In general, the most basic thing to keep in mind is that you should always drive at or below the posted limit on interstates and state highways.

This is generally just to be on the safe side.

Here are the speed limits in the states in the US: Alabama ? 70, Alaska ? 65, Arizona ? 75, Arkansas ? 70, California ? 70, Colorado ? 75, Connecticut ? 65, Delaware ? 65, District of Columbia ? 50, Florida ? 70, Georgia ? 70, Hawaii ? 60, Idaho ? 75, Illinois ? 65, Indiana ? 70, Iowa ? 70, Kansas ? 70, Kentucky ? 65, Louisiana ? 70, Maine ? 65, Maryland ? 65, Massachusetts ? 65, Michigan ? 70, Minnesota ? 70, Mississippi ? 70, Missouri ? 70, Montana ? 75, Nebraska ? 75, Nevada ? 75, New Hampshire ? 65, New Jersey ? 65, New Mexico ? 75, New York ? 65, North Carolina ? 70, North Dakota ? 75, Ohio ? 65, Oklahoma ? 75, Oregon ? 65, Pennsylvania ? 65, Rhode Island ? 65, South Carolina ? 70, South Dakota ? 75, Tennessee ? 70, Texas ? 70, Utah ? 75, Vermont ? 65, Virginia ? 65, Washington ? 70, West Virginia ? 70, Wisconsin ? 65, and Wyoming ? 75.

Article Source: http://www.articledashboard.



Same Day Car Parts Mercedes Benz accessories ### Tom Bailey is a consultant for one of the country's leading auto parts stores.

He is also an editor of a reputable publishing company in his area. He is currently based in Atlantic City, New Jersey with his wife and 3 children. .


By: Tom Bailey

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